Who Can Attend?
Those working and studying in healthcare are welcomed in-person and virtually. Patients and anyone else looking for answers can join virtually.
Join Us for the Event of the Year
Our conference is open virtually to healthcare practitioners, industry professionals, medical students and the general public. The in-person experience is open exclusively only to healthcare practitioners and those working and studying in the medical field.
Patients, caregivers, and the general public are invited to join virtually. It is important to us for those looking for answers to have access to the latest information in understanding certain immune-mediated chronic illnesses and the most cutting-edge advancements in treating them.
Primary Audience: Healthcare Practitioners
The educational sessions and discussions from this conference will be available both in-person and virtually to healthcare providers, medical students, and industry professionals. This conference will offer continuing medical education (CME) credit.
Fields of interest include:
Integrative Medicine
Functional Medicine
Family Medicine
Science and Research
General Public